
TAIDEN in North America in October--Reports on IMF, ITU and ANOC Meetings

  • Время публикации: 2010-11-01

TAIDEN in North America in October--Reports on IMF, ITU and ANOC Meetings

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  • Время публикации: 2010-11-01 00:00
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TAIDEN in North America in October

--Reports on IMF, ITU and ANOC Meetings
November 1 ,2010
Autumn is always a season of harvest. In this Golden October, the 2010 IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings, the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2010 and the ANOC General Assembly & IOC Executive Board Meetings were held one after the other in North America. As the selected supplier for all 3 events, Shenzhen TAIDEN Industrial Co., Ltd. provided digital conference and SI systems for more than 10.000 seats. With perfect performance and stable operation, all meetings took place successfully and ran smoothly, as anticipated. TAIDEN Fully digital conference systems and digital IR simultaneous interpretation systems were appreciated and highly praised by delegates, interpreters and end users.
All three meetings are high profile events in the calendar of major international events. The IMF-World Bank Annual Meeting by itself was attended by more than ten thousand participants. The ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2010 lasted for 19 days; the number of participants totaled more than 60.000 attendees in 400 meetings and 11 venues.
TAIDEN being awarded the contracts as well as its high recognition received after the events demonstrates adequately TAIDEN's strong competition strength on the global market, thanks to its world's leading technologies, its superb quality and its brand awareness.
The below table shows the details of the three events
Conference Name
2010 IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings
ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2010
ANOC-IOC EB Meetings
October 8-10, 2010
October 4-22, 2010
October 17-26, 2010
Washington D.C., USA
Guadalajara, Mexico
Acapulco, Mexico
Quantity of Contribution Units
178 seats (30 of which with digital IR wireless microphones)
1728 seats
425 seats
Digital IR receivers
4300 seats
3000 seats
900 seats
Interpreter units
42 pcs
60 pcs
18 pcs
Conference management software modules
Several packages
Several packages
Several packages
Broadcast Standard Audio Distributors
TAIDEN at the 2010 Annual Meetings of IMF-World Bank

The 2010 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group brought together 187 central bank governors, ministers of finance and development, private sector executives, academics and media people to discuss issues of global concern, such as major world economic recovery, the international financial situation and the reform of international financial institutions.
By convention, the “World Economic Outlook Report” and the “Global Financial Stability Report” were released by the IMF on the eve of the Annual Meetings. The plenary on October 8 was followed on October 9 by meetings of the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) and the Development Committee. Various country groups, such as the Group of Twenty (G-20), the Group of 7 (G-7), the Group of Twenty-Four (G-24) etc. took the opportunity to meet ahead of, or during, the Annual Meetings. During October 7–10, a Program of Seminars and other discussion fora offered participants the opportunity for in-depth discussions on current issues that are of relevance to the world economy, financial stability, and economic development.
The meetings lasted for 3 days.
  • 4300 seats with TAIDEN HCS-5100 Digital Infra-red receivers
  • 42 pieces HCS-4385K2/20 fully digital interpreter units
  • 178 seats with HCS-4100/20 series fully functional chairman/delegate units
  • 3 sets with totally 30 seats with HCS-5300 digital infra-red wireless conference system
  • HCS-4100/20 Series Management Software Modules and HCS-5300 Series Management Software Modules
  • several pieces of HCS-4211M/29 Broadcast Standard audio distributors for simultaneous live broadcasting for media
TAIDEN systems delivered a perfect performance and contributed significantly to a successful course of the Annual Meetings 2010.
After the event, Chief of Audio Visual at IMF and the World Bank declared: “after years of doing the Annual Meetings, the conference and SI system never worked better than this year!”


TAIDEN at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2010

The ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2010 from October 4-22 welcomed a total of 2,022 registered participants and observers from about 160 ITU Member States, 42 Sector Members and observer organizations, including over 70 Ministers, 26 Deputy Ministers, and 35 ambassadors, making it the biggest event of its kind ever held in the city of Guadalajara (Mexico).
ITU is the leading United Nations agency for information and communication technology issues, and the global focal point for governments and the private sector in developing networks and services. ITU is based in Geneva, Switzerland, and its membership includes 192 Member States and more than 700 Sector Members and Associates.
The Plenipotentiary Conference is the top policy-making body of the ITU.
Held every four years, the Conference:
  • sets the Union's general policies
  • adopts four-year strategic and financial plans and
  • elects the senior management team of the organization, the members of the Council and the members of the Radio Regulations Board.
The conference lasted for 19 days. The number of participants totaled more than 60.000 attendees in 400 meetings and 11 venues. TAIDEN Industrial Co., Ltd. supplied the equipment for all the meetings.
  • 1728 seats with TAIDEN digital conference system chairman/delegate units, among which about 400 seats with voting feature
  • 3000 seats with HCS-5100 series digital IR receivers (HCS-5100R/32)
  • 60 pieces of HCS-4382K2/20 fully digital interpreter units in all the convention venues
  • 10 pieces of HCS-4211M/29 Broadcast Standard audio distributor for simultaneous live broadcasting for media
  • Auto-video tracking system
  • Conference management software modules
TAIDEN systems delivered a perfect performance and contributed significantly to a successful course of the Plenipotentiary Conference 2010.
Different parties of the Conference including delegates and interpreters expressed appreciation for TAIDEN systems and the service rendered. "Sound quality is perfect, floor audio and interpreted audio are clear and perfectly understandable, making our job easier during interpretation" was the prevailing opinion from interpreters. "The equipment is easy and intuitive to operate" was a view also frequently advanced.The professional and attentive on-site service was highly praised.
After the conference, Dr Hamadoun Touré, Secretary-General of the ITU remarked that the conference couldn't have been so successful without TAIDEN’s hard work and support. Mr.Zhao Houlin,Deputy Secretary-General added that the equipment was excellent and the support team professional and that it was gratifying to see China-made products used on such a high-profile event. Mr. Edmund Tam, Head of Network Services and Infrastructure Division (IS) stated that TAIDEN’s team was a professional team, providing professional services. He expressed his expectation to work again with TAIDEN on the next occasion.
TAIDEN at the ANOC General Assembly in Mexico

The Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC) and the IOC Executive Board were holding the ANOC Executive Council Meeting, the XVII ANOC General Assembly, the First Olympic Sport Convention and the IOC Executive Board Meeting from October 17 to October 26 in Acapulco, Mexico. Some 1000 people - including representatives of more than 200 National Olympic Committees - sports ministers, president of the General Association of International Sports Federations (SportAccord) as well as IOC members attended the meetings. TAIDEN was the supplier for all the meetings.

The XVII ANOC General Assembly was held from October 20-22, participants heard reports from the Youth Olympic Games (YOG), received updates on Olympic Games preparations in London 2012, and the bidding preparation for the 2018 Winter Olympics. Prior to the General Assembly, a string of other meetings were held, including a meeting of the Olympic Solidarity commission, meetings of the Organizing Committees for the Olympic Games and various continental assemblies.
On October 23, ANOC held the First Olympic Sport Convention, followed by the Joint meeting of the IOC EB and the National Olympic Committees on Oct.24. The meetings concluded with a Press Conference with IOC President Jacques Rogge on Oct.26.
5 conference venues in total were equipped for this event:
  • 425 seats with TAIDEN HCS-4100/20 fully digital conference chairman/delegate units
  • 900 seats with HCS-5100R/08 receivers
  • 18 pieces of HCS-4385K2/20 fully digital interpreter units as well as
  • several packages of conference management software modules.
The meetings lasted for 10 days with a total of 33 meetings. The perfect performances of TAIDEN systems were praised unrestrictedly. Mr Rudolf J Leising, the IOC Chief interpreter commented: “It’s absolutely perfect.
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